During the break
between scenes, I went over to visit with Vivian and showed her some sketches I
had made of Julie as a young girl. Meanwhile, Elizabeth had
come over to talk to Patty and Kelly, so I went over and showed Elizabeth some photos
of Liza that I had recently purchased from her fan club. I also asked her if
she had met Liza. She said ‘yes,’ her date had introduced them, but they were
at an event where there were so many photographers and newsmen around, they
couldn’t talk. She said, Liza grabbed her arm and pulled her into the picture that
was being taken of she and Desi. After telling me that, Elizabeth turned
back to Patty and Kelly, and ignored me, so I went back to talk to Vivian. During
the break, I also went out and ate some dinner and had a cup of tea.
Tonight, Katrina was there with Joan’s little girl. Joan’s
husband had the little boy with him. Vivian told me that Katrina gets
everything she wants from Joan.
“She always threatens to leave,” said Vivian, “and Joan is
afraid she will. She told Julie, ‘If I didn’t have Katrina, I couldn’t work for
you, and I don’t know what I’d do.”
Katrina supposedly got the job working for Joan when she came
to the studio to see the show. She was talking to Alice Ghostley that day and
told her if she didn’t get a job, she’d have to go back to Sweden . So Alice
introduced her to Joan, whose lady was leaving.
“Gosh, I’d take that job,” said Vivian.
“So would I,” I said, only half meaning it. I wanted to sing and act.
“But Joan doesn’t know that she would get anyone else,” Vivian
Now, the next scene was ready. After her interview with Jim
Henson, Sandy Duncan and Sergio Franchi on the “Getting to Know You” set, Julie
got up and went over to where Thog was standing. As someone in the “Getting to
Know You” scene stated, he was “waiting” for her.

[As a
side note, Jerry Nelson, who played many roles on the Muppets, was also the
person who played Thog. I really wanted to interview him for my book, and came
so close. Last summer, I finally found someone who forwarded my email to Mr.
Nelson, but only a week later, on August 23, 2012 , Jerry Garcia passed away. What a talented
man and what a beautiful spirit he had. More on Jerry Nelson when I review the 20th
Episode of The Julie Andrews Hour.]
To read more about Jerry Garcia, please visit:
Following “Oh Babe,” Julie and Sergio taped a scene from the
opera, Samson and Delilah. It was
already pre-recorded, so they simply had to lip-synch it and play the roles. I
thought, “Now, we’re going to loose Emma.” After all, it was around eleven pm and Emma was sure not to be interested
in this scene. For a moment, she slouched in her chair. I thought she looked a
bit uncomfortable, but she stayed and watched.
Julie and Sergio went through the operatic scene about three
or four times By now, half of the audience was gone and I wanted to move up,
but we (“regulars”) soon found out we were not allowed to.
After four takes, Julie sat in her chair, or rather, the one
that said “Steve” on it and Sergio sat beside her. Emma was stood next to her
mother, holding her arm and Blake was behind Julie. Together, they watched the
results of Julie and Sergio’s work shown on the monitor. It seemed so nice that
they were all together on this one night.
After that, they appeared to be taking a break, so I went
out to get some food. A few minutes later, when I got back, everyone was coming
out, saying that Julie had done two promos and that was all! It was a rap.
Little did I know, as I turned around walked out the door of Studio C, it would
for the last time.
I asked Kelly if she would give me a ride, and she agreed.
She was going to take Elizabeth home. Elizabeth had
smashed her car driving home one night. She said she had forgotten she was not
in England and had
driven on the wrong side of the street.
While we waited to leave, Patty and Kelly stood by the pay phone,
pretending that they were talking on it and waiting for Julie to drive by.
Finally, a black Cadillac went by.
When the girls came over to us, they were
jealous because some rich twins had gotten a ride home with Julie. “That’s
because they have money,” they commented. I thought the two girls in the car with
Julie should have been Emma and Jenny, so I wasn’t sure what Patty and Kelly were
talking about.
Listening to the girls talk, I learned the reason that Emma
and Jenny had been at the studio so late that night. Julie had a regular
babysitter, but apparently the previous week he had gotten bored on the job and
drank alcohol all night. When Julie and Blake came home, he was drunk. Anyway, to
make sure that situation didn’t happen again, Julie had the children stay at
the studio and come home with her. I’m not sure where Geoffrey was.
When I arrived at International House, it was unusually
early, before midnight , and
everyone was still awake. It seemed strange to arrive back at that time.
© Michelle Russell
Please visit: http://www.JulieAndrewsHour1972.com
To see a list of blog subjects with links back to this page.
All photos here are for entertainment purposes
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